Thursday, August 9, 2012

i NURSE thee i WRITE thee

August 9, 2012 Thursday A sick person or a person who needs care seek medical attention and goes to the hospital. The first thing they would do is to see a doctor and have their medical check-up and after being evaluated, the care is now channeled to the nurses who at some point gets the least appreciation possible from the patient. I've been in this profession for quite some time now so frankly speaking I have the chance to encounter clients (by the way client is the new term used for patients)who will degrade you and insult you the best possible way. Being in a caring profession like this, wherein people sees you as a slave rather than someone who is knowledgeable enough to do the task is sometimes hurting, but this is part of the vow we had from the time we commit ourselves to this kind of profession. Hypothetically speaking, we NURSES should receive the most credits compared to doctors for the following reasons: 1. Doctors have bad penmanship which makes Nurses' work difficult. 2. We nurses do the bedside care and give the patient the best approach they need. 3. We usually are the ones being scolded, scrutinize and bashed up whenever the doctors tend to forget or missed their everyday rounds. 4. We give the medications and procedures which is sometimes within the scope of the doctors and lastly, 5. Nurses gives direct care not only purely scientific but also the care which comes from the heart. I know some of the Nurses out there would agreed to this misconception that we are merely doctor's assistants!, allow me to correct this wrong notion. Nurses has independent functions apart from collaborating with the doctors, nurses worked 24 hours bedside which gives us the advantage of knowing the client well and having thorough assessment which the physician might look out too. Theoretically speaking, Nurses now a days collaborate with the physicians to bring out the best care for the client and not merely following orders from them. Since today is my rest day and tomorrow will be another duty day...let me end this blog my saying "Compassion is the key in every caring Nurses."

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